Our Mission is Bold


High School


an innovative network of mentorship-based, deeper learning schools with, not for, the communities we serve


students for success in college, career, and civic life

Our Vision is Clear

To develop an inclusive community where every student has access to the opportunities they deserve and where every student graduates with the agency, experience, and skills they need to live an intentional, purposeful, and fulfilling life.

Our Model is Successful

Individual Pathways & Learning Plans

The Why Not You Academy model provides our students with a web of supports, experiences, and authentic learning that empowers and equips them to chart their own path for success after graduation.

Each student works closely with dedicated advisors and mentors to guide their high school experience.

Students spend roughly a third of their time working and learning in real-world settings.

When they are in the classroom, our students learn in an identity-affirming school culture with relevant and culturally responsive projects.

Relevant & Experiential Learning

Education happens within the context of a larger community. Our approach extends beyond the school to help ensure students have the necessary support to do their best learning.

Students spend 1 day a week working in professional settings, building networks, relationships, self-confidence and practical skills.

Leaving to Learn

Upcoming Events

  • Guacamole Fiesta!

    May 3, 2PM

    Bring your best guacamole recipe to share with your teachers and friends!

  • Leaving to Learn

    May 3, 10, 17, 24, 31

    Students Engaged in real-world learning experiences

  • SBAC Testing

    June 3-7

    Registration is due by May 31! Make sure you study hard.

“Our graduates leave Why Not You Academy with the agency, experience, and skills they need to live an intentional, purposeful, and fulfilling life.”

— Abigail O’Neal, WNY CEO

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Interested in Why Not You Academy? Reach out!

